What I want more than anything is to take the "Think On Purpose Challenge" (described in detail at www.IAmAnAmazingMom.com on the affirm yourself audios tab)
and have the whole world take it with me.
I want moms to wake up in the morning and to have the very first thing they hear be how amazing they are, and how infinitely worthwhile their contribution as a mom in THIS DAY is.
I want women feeling good.
You know how when you feel GREAT is just gushes and overflows onto everyone around you?
I want moms feeling good and I want that abundant joy to get all over their kids.
I want us to raise a generation of kids that feel known, loved, secure.
I want every mother who is sitting bed-side in a hospital room, praying for their child's healing, to listen to these positive words and to have their power bring healing and peace.
I want women sharing their favorite affirmations on facebook with their friends, so our victories and our lessons connect us.
I want teachers all over the world listening to these affirmations and intentionally choosing words that give life to our students.
I want people everywhere developing new levels of success and freedom in their health, fitness, and well being.
I want us all to release the power of positive thinking and create the masterpiece that is our life.
So, I choose to listen to the affirmations from www.IAmAnAmazingMom.com and blog my results daily, starting now.